Changing the Real ​Estate Industry

The REAGENT Offer Management system is an ​innovative tool that helps REALTORSⓇ reduce ​negotiating time and eliminate lost offers.

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Still using webforms?

It’s time for ​change

There is a better way. It is a time of ‘No More.’

  • No more emailing the webform back and forth, and
  • No more trying to find enough space on a cluttered final contract, and
  • No more striking out the previous offer and adding the new offer, and
  • No more initials cluttering up all the changes, and
  • No more questioning which terms are outstanding, and
  • No more questioning what are the final terms agreed upon; and
  • No more calls from lawyers trying to decipher the final contract.
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The industry is currently using webforms that are ​signed by the parties and emailed back and forth. All ​negotiations are completed on the binding contract, ​such that all changes can be preserved. When a deal ​is accepted, the document may contain strikeouts ​and initials, making the final terms difficult to decipher.

With a digital Offer Management platform, all ​negotiations are completed prior to the parties ​signing the binding contract. Changes are preserved in ​a secure database that can be audited as needed. The ​final terms are appended, free of errors and omissions. ​An offer management system is a significant ​advancement over webforms, and exceeds current ​regulatory compliance standards.

Eliminate Webforms

Full Audit Tracking

The real estate industry is going through a ​metamorphosis, advancing better consumer ​protection. With the benefits of audit-tracking ​provides a full account of all offers and counter offers ​for the property, in case of any litigation.

The REAGENT platform has full audit-tracking and ​secure data storage features allowing for a robust ​accounting of all historical transaction changes.

Currently, brokerages are responsible for maintaining ​all the records for each sales transactions. This can ​challenge regulatory bodies who are responsible for ​compliance oversight.

As clients of The REAGENT, Boards and Associations ​would have full ownership and access to the data. For ​any complaints, this allows the staff to conveniently ​log in to the platform, enter the address and be able ​to download the audit history, without even calling the ​Listing Brokerage.

Furthermore, the commercial opportunity to sell the ​aggregated data provides a potentially significant ​income stream.

Centralized Data Storage


Real estate is very different across each ​province/territory or state, The REAGENT allows ​clients to customize the elements of the platform to ​accommodate their own needs.

Furthermore, with a white-label partnership the ​platform would be branded as the Board or ​Association.

No more waiting for offers and updates to be emailed ​and signed with additional steps. With audit tracking ​and user agreements to legitimize negotiations, ​parties are immediately made aware when terms ​change and their response is required.

Busy agents can get more accomplished with less ​effort!

Real-Time Notifications

Withholding Offers

What if an Agent has a seller that wants to withhold ​offers? Can an Offer Management System handle ​that? The programming logic behind that kind of ​feature requires the highest levels of technical skill, ​but the developers behind The REAGENT Offer ​Management system have executed this with ​impressive ingenuity.

When a homeowner sets a withholding offer date, they ​can accept and review offers from interested buyers, ​but negotiation features are disabled until the ​withholding date is reached. This has the added ​benefit of preventing bully offers, so all potential ​buyers must submit their most generous offer.

Real Estate Associations are tasked with educating ​the public about the value of REALTORS, and fostering ​trust in their services. Now, with The REAGENT’s Offer ​Management system, Associations and Boards can pro​vide those guarantees that all deals are being com​pleted in a digital environment with built-in saf​eguards.

Protection From

Perceived Conflict of Interest

Commission Fee Calculator

The REAGENT platform incorporates an innovative ​‘commission fee calculator’ that shows all fees and ​applicable taxes on submitted offers before the seller ​accepts any one.

Currently, sellers do not see the actual dollar amount ​they are paying in total commissions until they are ​finalizing the deal with their lawyer. Consumers are ​wanting change, providing better transparency before ​the parties sign the final contract.

Our vision

To transform the ​real estate ​industry.


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Our Mission

To provide the ​greatest ​transparency and ​consumer ​protection in real ​estate.


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We are eager to collaborate with you!

Call us now to find out more about ​our state-of-the-art

Offer Management system.

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If you’re in the area, let’s meet up!

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Burlington, ON

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